Friday, May 20, 2016

"Goddess Remembered," Part of the Series, "Ladies in Spirituality" © 1989,

Weapons Documentary "Goddess Remembered," Part of the Series, "Ladies in Spirituality" © 1989,

National Film Board of Canada

Delivered by: Margaret Pettigrew

Coordinated by: Donna Read

Dispersed by: Wellspring Media, Inc.

Goodness, those haircuts and puffy sleeves! The 80's - gotta love them. Take a gander at the distinction 20 years makes in social traditions. Presently, think what 2,000 years can mean, and 20,000 years, and back significantly further. This narrative pays tribute to the goddess-adoring religions of the old past. With its supper party group, I was anticipating that Judy Chicago should show up. It would have been awesome to see every lady - Starhawk, Merlin Stone, Jean Bolen and others - sitting at the spot setting of a goddess. In 1979, Chicago had portrayed spot settings for 39 legendary and authentic well known ladies all through history. By 1989, "The Dinner Party" had been up and running for 10 years. It appears like a genuine exclusion to me, in spite of the fact that I appreciated the goddess statue as a point of convergence on the table.

The supper party subject of "Goddess Remembered" appeared to be fitting as it's been ladies who have generally developed, assembled, arranged and shared nourishment, especially in a social setting. (I don't see why it couldn't have been both men and ladies who trained creatures.) The viewer could see that these specific ladies are all exceptionally clever "overwhelming weights" in the goddess stratosphere. What's more, they have not been relaxing around throughout the previous 20 years.

Jean Shinoda Bolen is the lady who said how when she was conceiving an offspring she felt connected in time on a level plane to each lady who ever was, and that "nothing had set me up for this. It hurt!" Bolen is a creator, a Jungian expert and a lobbyist. She has composed numerous books with which women's activists would be natural, including Crossing to Avalon: A Woman's Quest for the Sacred Feminine, Goddesses in Everywoman: Powerful Archetypes for Women and The Millionth Circle: How to Change Ourselves and the World. Her Millionth Circle, she clarifies, is an instrument she utilizes as "a promoter for ladies' circles with a sacrosanct focus as the way to achieve a minimum amount tipping point to bring ladies' insight into the world."

Starhawk is additionally a writer of numerous works that commend the Goddess development including her most recent, The Earth Path, which talks about the base of our ecological damaging tendency, and advises perusers how to reconnect with the Earth. She depicts herself as "a peace, ecological and worldwide equity lobbyist and coach, a permaculture fashioner and instructor, a Pagan and Witch." Interestingly enough, she and Donna Read, the executive of "Goddess Remembered," have co-created a narrative on the life of paleologist, Marija Gimbutas, called "Signs Out of Time."

Merlin Stone, an artist and craftsmanship history educator, became keen on prehistoric studies while examining old workmanship. In 1976 she composed a book called When God Was A Woman which dives into matriarchal and matrilineal societal structures that were stifled by Judaism and Christianity. Her other book, Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood, (1990) is a gathering of stories, myths and petitions about the goddess.

Gracious to be a fly on the divider at a get-together of such effective ladies. I would have jumped at the chance to see the name and title of every lady, each time she showed up on the screen; this would have been a decent route for viewers to acclimate themselves with who these ladies are, however credits were holding off on expected until the end of the film, which struck me as unusual.

The ladies and Olympia Dukakis, the film's storyteller, talked about numerous assorted and fascinating focuses. They talked about how the serpent was an image of recuperating and prescience. They talked about Malta, the Greek island that is the most seasoned known vault of the goddess society. The general population of Malta are presently transcendently Catholic.

The ladies all appeared to share the perspective of Luisa Teish who said she had rejected the thought of the "Incomparable Bearded White Man in the Sky." She giggled, "I hung with Mary!" Later on she likewise said something important for all ladies: "I am an ancestress of tomorrow."

Crete was specified as a spot where the general population had concentrated on cosmology, mapping the stars and keeping records. Ladies there could be ocean chiefs and chariot drivers, on the off chance that they so sought. The formation of workmanship was exceedingly regarded, and in this quiet society, no proof had been found of male/female disparity. No individual imprint was ever found on a bit of workmanship. Minoan Crete is the spot where the love of the goddess was in place for the longest timeframe.

The Golden Age of Greece denoted the start of men's energy and the end of women's. The warrior cliques came into the bleeding edge then and from there on, rampaging the Earth and misusing her cherishes. Greece once had exquisite stands of trees and vegetation. These were slashed down to deliver warships, and when the trees go down; the sand assumes control. The spot once known as Eden is currently a dry and devastate land.

The case that Old Europe was lady focused, agreeable and peaceful is by all accounts a bone of dispute (the self-announced women's activist Cynthia Eller, among numerous others, puts forth a defense against it).

Taking after is a late scrutinize of "Goddess Remembered" that I found on the Internet Movie Database (

Unconfirmed cases abound..., 10 May 2007

Creator: thorn101 from United States - (Charles Sheaffer)

This film is loaded with conspicuous rubbish and pseudo-investigative blarney. Different cases are made in the film which have no investigative or archeological premise, and are only suspicions or the consequence of broken rationale (and unrealistic considering).

Claims like (supposedly) Goddess-worshiping Old Europe was a libertarian, lady focused society. It was agreeable, non-various leveled, and peaceful. This is not valid, numerous strengthened ancient settlements have been found in Europe demonstrating the nearness of fighting.

David Anthony, a collaborator teacher of humanities at Hartwick College in Oneonta, N.Y., said that there is additionally proof of weapons, including some utilized as images of status, and of human penance, pecking order, and social disparity. There is additionally no proof that ladies assumed the focal part, in either the social structure or the religion of Old Europe.

Lengyel and Tiszapolgar graveyards show that battling, chasing, and exchanging were male exercises, since men were covered with rock devices, weapons, creature bones, and copper instruments. Earthenware was most likely made by females and utilized fundamentally by them as a part of household exercises. This is reflected by finds of ceramics with female remains. Likewise no tamed or wild creatures are connected with female internments.

Claims that satellite photos have demonstrated that the Neolithic stone monuments of the Goddess "all stand on vitality lines, which confound the earth" is unadulterated pseudo-science. There are no such things as "vitality lines" that cross the earth. Likewise researchers are currently debating the distinguishing proof of neolithic stone monuments with any supposed "Goddess" venerate.

The film contains numerous all the more such unconfirmed cases.

General this is a decent flick to watch on an all young ladies night sleepover party whilst regarding your internal goddess with unfathomable measures of chocolate. Actually this mockumentary has no spot in ladies studies, human sciences or archaic exploration, and I am shocked to at present see it being considered so important.

Intriguing, eh? It infers an old Shakespearian quote, "The man challenges excessively." I realize that neither he nor I were around 20,000 years or so prior, so I trust his contention is disputable.

I would say that the principle subject of "Goddess Remembered" is the way ladies and nature are one. "As an animal groups, we don't stand separated from nature," is something that Charlene Spretnak said, and I trust she is correct. It truly comes down to this condition:

Ladies = Nature (showed by caverns, snakes, water, and so forth.)

Man versus Nature (which pits Man against Woman)

Until Man respects and regards Nature and accordingly, Woman, our descending winding toward insensibility through war and the devastation of the Earth, will convey every one of us down that quick and wrathful stream together. What's more, that would in reality before the end of His-and Her-story.

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